"You're not welcome here." That's the message you'll most likely get in any majority liberal area if you are not currently 'vaccinated' against Covid-19. I say vaccinated in air quotes only because the vaccine doesn't prevent you from contracting or spreading the virus. Instead, it provides a "layer of defense" against the virus that is far weaker than what your immune system can provide. But in today's world, natural immunity is no longer spoken of and is only a figment of your delusional imagination.
The new standards set by the government are absurd. "Get the jab or lose your job" is the new standard, causing the crisis in the supply chain due to a lack of workers, and a new crisis that may hit the military in the coming weeks due to members refusing the jab. Why work when the government is handing out your paycheck to other able-bodied workers? Why work when you can be the recipient of another worker's paycheck? After all, it's a lot easier for you. And still, the government wonders why we are having a crisis.
But never fear! Biden and his loving administration will save us! This supply chain shortage is simply a result of Americans having more money to spend on goods, according to Pete Buttigieg who just returned from two months of paid paternity leave. Curious, considering how gas is now at a national average of $3.35 a gallon. A year ago, it was at an average of $1.78. So what happened there?
"It's not about your freedoms." Terrifying statements coming from our president, considering he doesn't even remember what he's doing at any given moment. In a recent Town Hall with CNN, Biden had to ask where he was and stood with his fists clenched the entire time. The man couldn't form 90% of his sentences without stumbling through them like a toddler learning to talk.
But remember, he's our President and you're not allowed to badmouth a Democratic President. If you do, you're labeled a domestic terrorist. Especially if you go against the liberal ideologies the school boards are wanting to teach your children. Oh, and you're not allowed to tell the school boards what they can and cannot teach your kids. That's rude, and you will be labeled a domestic terrorist by the Department of Justice. But it's not rude to post a picture of a look-alike severed head of the current president in 2017. That was in the taste of comedy, right?
But back to Covid.
Dr. Fauci has given the green light for all Halloween traditions, the moment we've all been waiting for. But it's too early to tell for Christmas, according to the liberal Lord. Many Americans have given the finger to Fauci, Biden, and the whole circus currently in charge of this country, doing what they want, when they want, and how they want. After all, they're American citizens with the freedom to do that.
But liberals don't want you to think like that. Years ago, they were the party of resistance, where you joined to resist what others told you. You resisted the government. You resisted capitalism (for some reason). Now, they are the party of 'tolerance'... unless you don't agree with them. They are the party of 'acceptance'... unless you go against their specific beliefs (i.e., being gay and conservative). They are the party where 'you need to follow the experts'... when the experts don't even know what is going on. And you can only follow who they deem to be 'experts'.
Recently, documents have come out detailing the lab experiments that were being conducted on dogs within a lab in Tunisia. Scientists there, under the direction of Fauci, have been injecting beagles with disease-causing parasites in the name of science. But don’t worry, he’s an ‘expert’ that lied to Congress under oath. All praise! But make sure you have your St. Fauci candle lit while you do so.
The entire premise that Fauci was built upon has only gone to show that those in power will say and do anything to stay in power. Fauci has been in his position of Director of the NIH since 1984, ironically when George Orwell's book is set that warns us of the US government attempting to turn into an authoritarian state.
Now, with several lawsuits filed against the sitting president and many of his associates for various reasons, many relating to the Covid vaccine mandate, American citizens who aren't consumed by the mainstream media wonder "what happens now?". The answer is to hold your ground, keep fighting, and give them nothing. They've taken way too much, and it's time to take it back.