Statement of Events - 8.17.21

[SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. August 17] – [As the events of the world unfold, and we hear of the hardships that are occurring around us, those of us at Thacker Broadcasting mourn for those that are affected. As part of this, and as American citizens, we feel that it is important that we inform our listeners where we stand on these events, and to remind you of who is responsible for these events.

AFGHANISTAN – What is currently happening within Afghanistan is repulsive, disgusting, and a disaster never-before-seen. And you have several individuals you can thank for that. Namely President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. The complete pull-out of US forces from Afghanistan was a complete disaster. No effort was made to preserve the lives of our allies within the area. No efforts were made to remove mission-critical equipment, of which so much was left behind. After fighting in this war since 2001, many Americans feel betrayed. Those who have lost loved ones to the first war American has “lost”. What were those lives lost for? To give up? Call it a day when we got tired of what we were doing? And a better question: why did the Biden Administration think it was a good idea to just leave the Taliban as it was? Any American with a shred of decency could see that this was going to happen. And so, Thacker Broadcasting issues the statement of “Shame on You, Biden. How could you betray America and her allies like this? This is YOUR fault, and you know it”.

COVID – Thacker Broadcasting always has been, and always will be, dedicated to the conservation of free speech. This, and several other reasons, are what we stand behind to give our creators the ability to create what they want. Freedom of speech, freedom of rights, and freedom of choice are our number one commitment as a company. As part of this, Thacker Broadcasting WILL NOT require any sort of COVID testing or vaccination for our employees. Employees are advised to make their own medical decisions based on their knowledge, leaving the door open for them to get vaccinated if they so choose, or to not; it is up to them and what they believe is best for them. Employees are welcome to wear a mask, or not. Work from home, or the office. The choice is theirs. Again, Thacker Broadcasting stands by our commitment to allow creators to choose, whether that be for their own personal health, or what content they decide to create. Forcing individuals to do something they don’t want to do resembles a communist state, which the United States is not.

Thacker Broadcasting will release more updates as these situations update and progress.]

Thacker Broadcasting is a Limited Liability Company currently assisting clients with their broadcasting purposes. Find this statement, and more about the company, at


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